Thursday 29 July 2021

Organ of life! Dr.Aparna Patil.


Organ of life!

आ जिंदगी,

तुझ में कुछ रंग भर दू......

अवयवदान कर के....

किसी के ख्वाब पूरे कर सकूँ.....|

Organ donation  is a noble act which gives us an opportunity to save lives of patients suffering from end stage organ disease. These patients can get new lease of life. It is the only ray of hope for them.

Human organ transplantation is the greatest  achievement of modern medical science. Here , through surgical procedure, the healthy organ from a living or dead person is implanted in an individual suffering from end stage disease.

If a person is suffering from renal failure.... the ultimate treatment is Renal transplantation. The patient is kept on alternative treatment that is dialysis and wait for the donor starts. We all know that, kidney acts as a sieve.... the function is to filter blood and remove toxins. Dialysis is a procedure.....a  machine, which acts as an artificial kidney. It filters the toxins from blood. It is done at least twice a week. Patient can be kept on dialysis for maximum 5 to 7 years, beyond which patient may not survive ; but if the donor becomes available, then healthy matched  kidney from this donor can save the recipient's life.

 Today, organ donation is the need of the hour but unfortunately the demand is more and supply is less.Hence the organ donation awareness is extremely important.

In Hindu mythology ,we have divine example of Maharshi Dadhichi.  He is primarily known for sacrificing his life so the Devas could make the weapon "Vajra" ( वज्र ) from his bones to defeat serpent king, asura...Vritra & reclaimed heaven. 

Lord Ganesha is the divine example of organ transplantation where his father, lord Shiva has played the role of transplant surgeon.

          Divine example of organ     transplantation.

Our government, various organisations have taken a great initiative towards organ donation awareness.  It is our responsibility to help this noble cause. We can pledge our organs & live after our death.

 Let's all come together to help this noble cause ,we can make a difference....

चलो हसने की कोई, हम वजह ढुंढते हैं,

यहाँ जमीं पे  ही कहीं, हम सतह ढुंढते हैं,

चलो किसी की अंधेरी जिंदगी में हम सुबह बनते है.....

दोस्तों, अवयवदान करते हैं|

© Dr. Aparna Viraj Patil

MD( Obstetrics & gynaecology)

Organ donation awareness.



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