Thursday 29 July 2021

What is an Organ? History of organ donation.Dr.Aparna Patil.

Sant Tukaram Maharaj has said it very correctly, 

        "| वृक्षवल्ली आम्हां सोयरे वनचरे |"

Trees are givers of life. We have to be like them.
Friends,  let's be like trees ...giver of life......donate organs !!

What is an Organ?

Our body is just like a machine. It works with the help of various parts.....organs!! Our body is amalgamation of different organs, which work synchronously to keep us healthy.

Various organs are...








History of organ donation...

If we consider history of organ donation, more accounts of early transplants are seen in Rome & China. In India, account of famous Sushruta is seen. He used skin graft in nose reconstruction. However, the success or failure of these procedures is not well documented.

By 1900, the idea...that one can successfully treat internal diseases, by replacing a failed organ through transplantation had been generally accepted. Pioneering work was made by French Surgeon, Allexis Carrel & later he won Nobel prize for his work.

First heart transplantation took place in South Africa in 1967. Patient survived for 18 days.

First  successful  heart transplantation took place in 1981 in Stanford University.

In Mumbai, first kidney transplantation took place in Sion hospital on 27 th March, 1997. Hence, 27th March is celebrated as organ donation day in Mumbai.

© Dr. Aparna V. Patil.

MD( Obstetrics & gynaecology)

Organ donation awareness.



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